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King Operating Corporation
One World Petroleum


Reach Thousands of Decision Makers

NAPE reaches producers, investors, vendors and suppliers throughout the energy industry. Maximize your presence in the publication of the world’s largest prospect and property expo. The NAPE Show Guide is handed out to every NAPE attendee and is the only place attendees can find printed information for exhibitors and the prospect and property listing. The NAPE website is the go-to resource for attendees and exhibitors making it the ideal place to advertise your company and services. 

  • 94% of NAPE attendees use the Show Guide at the Expo
  • 61% of NAPE attendees continue to reference the Show Guide after the Expo, giving you year-round exposure in print
  • 82% of NAPE attendees register through the NAPE website

Check out our advertising options below! 

NAPE Summit Show Guide

Show Guide Belly Band $15,000
Inside Front Cover $5,000
Outside Back Cover $5,000
Inside Back Cover $4,000
Page 1 $4,000
Opposite Table of Contents $4,000
Opposite Schedule of Events $4,000
Full Page $3,000
Half Page $2,000
Third Page $1,000

Page: 4.25” x 9.0”
Spread: 8.5” x 9.0”

Full page with bleed: 4.5” x 9.25” (includes 0.125” all-around bleed)
Full page no bleed: 3.625” x 8.5”
Half page: 3.625” x 4.125”
Third page: 3.625” x 2.625”

All ads are full color, non-bleed except the wrap, inside cover, inside back cover and back cover ads, which are full color, 4.5” x 9.25”, 1/8” full bleed.

Additional Printed Materials  
Show Floor Map $12,000

Preferred File Format: PDF/X-1a:2001

Alternate File Formats Accepted: Native Application Files (MAC ONLY) Adobe CS2-CS5 (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop) or Quark Express 8.1. PC USERS MUST PROVIDE HI RES PDF/X-1a, PRESS READY PDF or flat TIFF file at 300 dpi.

Image Requirements for Alternate File Formats: All images for ads should be color corrected and provided at or above our minimum resolution requirement of 300 dpi. Image files should be CMYK and in .tif, .eps, or .jpg file format.


  • PDF files must contain only four-color process images (CMYK).
  • Please contact us if you are having difficulty with the format; we’re happy to help
  • Ad materials due by Dec. 13

Digital Advertising

NAPE Website  
Premium Web Ad (708x903) $3,000
Standard Web Ad (708x708) $2,000

There are 2 online ad sizes available for the Summit webpages. The ad spots are featured on the sidebar of the Summit Homepage, Attend page and Exhibit page. All web ads should be received as .png files. Please contact for availability.

NAPE – The Magazine for Dealmakers

Advertising in this premiere publication offers the unique opportunity to put your name in front of our diverse audience of landmen, geologists, engineers, geophysicists and financiers from independent O&G companies of all sizes, the majors as well as international players year-round.

Visit our NAPE magazine advertising page for options, pricing and specs.

Ad Creation Services

Need help creating an ad? Ad creation and modification services are available upon request. Contact the Business Development Team for more information on options and pricing.