NAPE – The Magazine for Dealmakers offers the unique opportunity to put your name in front of our diverse audience of executives, landmen, geologists, engineers, geophysicists and financiers from independent energy companies of all sizes, the majors and international players year-round. 

The quarterly, full-color print and digital business journal is tailored for energy professionals and mailed as a complimentary subscription to the thousands of attendees of the NAPE expos. 71% of subscribers are at the executive director or manager level. Reaching your target audience has never been easier — showcase your company, product and services in our award-winning publication! 

Advertising can be purchased for a single issue or as part of a 4-issue bundle. The Summit Issue — printed every January — includes a special NAPE Summit preview that is directly distributed to all attendees. Our exhibitors in particular find it an excellent opportunity for pre-show marketing. By purchasing an advertising package that meets your business needs, you can create campaigns to nurture your core audience and increase your chances of converting customers. Benefits of advertising include: 

  • Company ad in NAPE Magazine issue 
  • Company logo on NAPE Magazine webpage (until next issue for Single Sponsorship
  • Company logo included in NAPE Magazine social media posts
  • 10 Exhibitor Priority Points
  • 1 NAPE Summit Registration per issue (Single insertion only)
  • Summit Issue sent to all registered attendees prior to NAPE Summit 
  • Summit Issue displayed in Media Bins 
  • 6 Registrations to NAPE Summit (Bundle Ad Package only
  • Company logo signage in NAPE Magazine Booth (Bundle Ad Package only
  • 6 Tickets to NAPE Charities Celebration Reception (Bundle Ad Package only

To view our media kit, please complete the Advertising Contract below.

Ad Specs

Premium 1-Issue 4-Issues
Outside Back Cover $5,000 $4,250
Inside Front Cover $5,000 $4,250
Page 1 $4,500 $3,825
Opposite Table of Contents $4,500 $3,825
Inside Back Cover $4,500 $3,825
Direct-Mail Insert $3,500 $2,975
Belly Band or Tip-in upon request
Standard 1-Issue 4-Issues
Full Page $4,000 $3,400
Half Page $2,500 $2,125
Third Page $1,500 $1,275
Quarter Page $1,000 $750
Artwork Deadline    
Artwork deadlines are as follows:
Fall Aug. 25 Sept. 1
Winter Nov. 1 Nov. 8
Spring March 3 March 14
Summer May 31 June 7

TRIM SIZE 9.0” x 10.875
For ads with bleed, please add 0.125” to trim measurements on all sides (applicable to full-page and cover options).

Belly Band

Belly band
inquire for specs

Full Page No Bleed

no Bleed
7.6" x 9.625"

Full Page with Bleed

with Bleed
9.25" x 11.125"

Half Page Horizontal

7.6" x 4.25"

Full Page Vertical

5.0" x 6.25"

Quarter Page Vertical

3.7125" x 4.25"

Third Page Horizontal

7.6" x 2.5"

Third Page Vertical

2.425" x 8.5"


All artwork should be submitted at 300dpi. Support file types include pdf, eps, tiff, and jpeg; please submit high-resolution files. Color files should be converted to CMYK mode, and black and white files should be converted to grayscale or bitmap. Files submitted in RBG will be converted to CMYK, resulting in a color shift that may produce different color at print. Submitted artwork must be accompanied by screen and printer font files, if not embedded. We prefer postscript Type 1 fonts. Submitted artwork must be accompanied by linked image files as well, if not embedded. Please note that any submitted artwork that does not meet the specifications detailed above are subject to a $50 adjustment surcharge. 

Advertising Contract

Interested in advertising? Complete the form below and our Business Development team will be in touch to discuss options, rates and availability.

* required fields

FORMAT. Quarterly distribution | full color | print and digital

CIRCULATION. 15,000+ NAPE attendees | Free 4-issue subscription is included with all NAPE Expo registrations

DISTRIBUTION. Mailed quarterly | Available at NAPE Expos


Ad Option 1-Issue Price 4-Issues Price
Outside back cover $5,000 Per Issue $4,250 Per Issue
Inside front cover $5,000 Per Issue $4,250 Per Issue
Page 1 $5,000 Per Issue $4,250 Per Issue
Page 2 Opposite Table of Contents $5,000 Per Issue $4,250 Per Issue
Opposite Table of Contents $5,000 Per Issue $4,250 Per Issue
Inside back cover $5,000 Per Issue $4,250 Per Issue
Direct-mail insert* $3,500 Per Issue $2,975 Per Issue
Belly band** Upon Request N/A
Tip-in*** Upon Request N/A
Premium ads are available on a first come, first served basis; please inquire about availibilty.
Full-page $4,000 Per Issue $3,400 Per Issue
Half-page $2,500 Per Issue $2,125 Per Issue
Third-page $1,500 Per Issue $1,275 Per Issue
Quarter-page $1,000 Per Issue $750 Per Issue


Please make checks payable to and mail to:
PO Box 224531
Dallas, TX 75222

* Direct-mail inserts: Save on mailing costs by including a promotional piece (postcard, brochure, flier, etc.) with the NAPE magazine. Direct-mail pieces are perfect for advertising a new product or promoting an event such as your booth number in the upcoming NAPE Expo! Space is limited to five pieces per issue.
** Belly band: This hand-placed piece wraps around the magazine and must be removed by readers to open the publication, guaranteeing exclusive exposure to your company. Limited to one per issue.
*** A tip-in insert is a stand-alone item that is attached with temporary glue to an internal page in the magazine. It’s a great way to draw extra attention to your company ad and provide a takeaway piece for the reader.