We value the positive coverage that NAPE events have received in the past, and we’d like to offer our assistance to the press in any way we can. We invite you to download any or all of the media resources below. If you have any questions about NAPE or our upcoming events, contact us at

NAPE Summit celebrates 2024 Class of Hall of Fame inductees
The honor spotlights individuals and companies who are champions of dealmaking
In celebration of over 30 years of dealmaking, NAPE Expo LP announces the NAPE Hall of Fame Class of 2024. These dealmaking luminaries have played pivotal roles in making deals happen:
- Carl C. Beach
- Jeanine Haller Piskurich, CPL
- Bruce H. Vincent
- Enverus (Drillinginfo)
- EOG Resources Inc.
- Marathon Oil Corp.
Part of the expo’s 30th anniversary celebration, the NAPE Hall of Fame was launched last year to honor individuals and companies who have been key to making NAPE the place where deals happen.

2024 NAPE Summit Attendee Registration Surges 47% Over Prior Year
The world’s largest prospect energy expo returns to Houston Feb. 7-9.
NAPE — the place where deals happen — is packing Houston’s George R. Brown Convention Center with dealmakers and decision-makers from companies large and small representing all facets of energy. As of NAPE’s “preferred rate” deadline, attendee registration for the 2024 NAPE Summit is up a whopping 47% compared with the same time frame for the 2023 expo.

2023 NAPE Summit Recap
NAPE's 30th Anniversary Celebration Draws 8,000 Attendees, Sparks Deals, Fosters Connections
NAPE announces new ‘Magazine for Dealmakers’
NAPE, the world’s largest oil and gas prospect expo, has launched a new magazine to complement its semiannual expos: NAPE — The Magazine for Dealmakers.