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King Operating Corporation
Pak Energy
One World Petroleum

Priority Point System

Secure the best booth with our Priority Point System.

The NAPE Priority Point System recognizes participating companies who support NAPE through exhibiting, advertising, and sponsorships contracted directly with NAPE by getting you in the front of the line for booth selection.

All exhibitors participating at NAPE earn an annual point award of 10 points per 10’x10’ purchased. The annual point award gives exhibitors an incentive to participate annually as well as the opportunity to continually improve their priority point ranking. In order to improve priority ranking on the NAPE priority list, exhibitors must reserve booth space directly with NAPE. Priority points are accrued with annual participation. 

The additional points earned by advertising and sponsorship will calculate for the following year’s NAPE booth assignments and can have impact on the priority point ranking.

For additional information, please contact:

How are points awarded?

All exhibitors participating at NAPE earn an annual award of 10 points per 10' x 10’ purchased booth space.

Additional annual points are awarded for exhibitors who participate in any of the official NAPE advertising and sponsorship opportunities:

  • 10 points = Advertising Participation (1/2 page or larger)
  • 10 points = Sponsorship Participation

NAPE may provide additional opportunities to earn priority points through special offers and promotions.

Does anything result in a deduction of priority points?

Exhibitors who vacate or dismantle their booth prior to show closing will lose 5 priority points.

How do I know if the NAPE space assignment process is fair to all exhibitors?

All exhibiting companies are notified, in writing, of the rebooking date and procedures.

Space assignments are conducted at the NAPE offices in Fort Worth, Texas, in the presence of NAPE operations management.

Upon space assignment, a booth confirmation notice will be individually sent to all exhibitors with companies’ booth assignment details.

If two exhibiting companies have the same number of points, ranking will be determined by the dates their booth contracts were submitted.